Letting Go
How do we let go of our high standards, and learn to relax and realize it is alright to not always be perfect? I am not saying lose sight of quality but don’t let it become so consuming that you forget to enjoy the outcome. Do you get so hung up on having everything exactly right that it takes you way too long to finish anything? And then when you are done, you are looking for the faults or mistakes? Sometimes the first gut response or idea, is the right one! The best one, but then you belabor the task or the politically correct answer and it becomes a long-drawn-out process for you…. it may be painful or annoying to those around you…. Do you sometimes envy that person that can give that quick response without much thought and appear confident and move on? Or that person that finishes a project relatively easy without going to great lengths to have it be perfect? I try to be that person. At times I may be wrong but I am able to correct my error, take ownership and let go. I may seem impulsive and rash but my first gut reaction is usually right!
By no means am I the expert or always confident! I have fears and doubts but I also live life large, love trying new things and like a challenge. I also like to check things off my to-do-list. Trust me I do not like producing mistakes. I strive for excellence, and I am one to double check my work. But I am impatient and I like to finish a project. I am comfortable with my imperfections. I can live with the little flaws. They are not major errors or seriously that significant. I can live without always being perfect 🙂 Trust me when I say your kids will be fine if you are tired and feed them cereal for dinner; or leave the pots and pans in the sink until the next day. Cut yourself some slack, and don’t sweat the small stuff!
At work my peers would say if you want a task done, have me on the team. I don’t see the point in overdoing it. Do it well and give it a go! It is hard work but go with your gut. Having a good team always helps too. Look at those on your team. What character traits of others would you pick for your team? For me, it is that person that can get things done! I love the Nike slogan “Just Do It!”
Making mistakes are a blessing!!! How can that be? If we never made mistakes, how do we really learn new things? The mistake could be the thing that opens our eyes to new possibilities. This rings true even more for our kids who are still learning and developing!
FOMO- my good friend accuses me of having a Fear Of Missing Out. Damn right! My thought is you have one life, live it. Go for it! Try it! Just do it! Step out of your comfort zone and experience something new. What does this have to do with being productive or lowering your expectations? It’s about how you view things. It’s about relaxing and enjoying your life. Step out of your normal routine. Perfectionists typically have a set routine! Things they MUST get done! Says who? Who sets that expectation? Who has ever spontaneously taken the day off of work to meet a friend for lunch and shop or go golfing because the weather is perfect? Will the work still be there? Did it have to get done today? Does the house always have to be spotless and the children well fed. Taking time out from being perfect can be eye opening! Be a little impulsive or spontaneous. What is the point of always doing the right thing or the expected thing? What is right? What is expected? Who is making the rules you think you have to follow?!
Learn how to let go of those unrealistic expectations and super high standards! Continue to be awesome but free yourself up to live a little! I have no judgment or predetermined outcome for you! I will help you find your desired outcome. I would love to to help you think in a new way, be accepting of yourself and enjoy the ride! Open minds needed, honesty welcomed and doing the work is a must!